We are serving up good vibes for finals! It can be a challenging time but remember, you got this! 
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Add More FLEX
  • Flex expires at the end of the school year
  • Available in $25 increments
For a tutorial on how to add Flex including screen shots, please click here or follow the instructions below.

1. Log in to MyHousing Self-Service using your Lock Haven username and password.
* To access MyHousing Self-Service, go to the link above and click on "MyHousing Self-Service" in the crimson navigation box.
2. From the MyHousing Self-Service home screen, click on the three horizontal lines to expand the navigation menu.
3. Click "Your Meal Plan" in the navigation menu.
4. Click "Dining Plans".
5. Click the down arrow next to "Purchased Meal Plans" and select the current semester from the dropdown menu.
* If the student already signed up for a meal plan for the current semester, it will appear below. If they do not have a meal plan, the message "You have no current dining plans." will be displayed.
6. Click the down arrow next to "Purchase Flex Dollars" and click the "Add Points" button.
7. Change "Point Type" to "Flex Dollars", which is the only choice in the dropdown menu.
8. In the "Number of Points" field, type in the dollar amount of FLEX you would like to purchase and click the Add button.
* Please note, $25.00 is the minimum amount of FLEX that must be purchased at any given time.
9. The cost of the purchase then will be applied to your student account.